Help Christopher Walken Hire A New Personal Assistant By Voting For The Girl Whose Breasts You Find Most Impressive (Round 1)
[click here for the huge uncensored resume]
Special thanks to the 1179 topless women who applied for the position. To vote for the hottie you think would most please me, just e-mail my manager with the name of the girl in the subject line. You can also e-mail him if you want the contact information and high resolution topless photos of all 1179 applicants, however you should know than 831 of the classy ladies who applied were extremely nasty. Thanks again. Like with the presidential election, if you put in the effort you can vote as many times as you’d like.
(Privacy Policy: As always, your e-mail address and sexual preferences will be collected and sold to a Swedish gay porn conglomerate for huge sacks of cash.)