Obama On Obama: Gay Porn For Half-Black Men

Via realmengoblue.org

The latest polls show that 79% of young voters believe that Obama pleasures himself 3-5 times per week, and 73% believe he’s earned it. I figure, since not everyone gets hard for slightly obese, middle-aged women (read: John McCain) the market provides an alternative, like when 300 came, then Hot Naked Battle Lesbians came harder. Personally I find all pornography disgusting and offensive, except for the classy kind, that I watch while rewarding my young female fans with free facials, which I learned from either Bill Clinton or Stephen Colbert. But, the real question, that Big Media has yet to cover, is... Are Sarah Palin’s daughter’s breasts that big because she’s pregnant, or because she’s fat? Because, after that Chelsea Clinton unpleasantness, I now decide who to vote for based on the physical appearance of the future first daughters.